About Us
Teens 4 Disarmament & Nonproliferation was founded in 2022 in Los Angeles, California by twin sisters, Kanon and Manon Iwata.
Since they were young, Manon and Kanon have heard many heart-broken stories surrounding the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945 from the Hibakushas (survivors of atomic explosion either in Hiroshima or Nagasaki in 1945). They aim to raise awareness and educate teenagers regarding the potential consequences of nuclear weapons. As future leaders, we must all take action now. According to United Nations, Nuclear weapons are a coexisting, existential threat to the world alongside the climate change. Nuclear weapons' immense threat, however, does not receive the same level of necessary attention. Our main goal is to raise awareness and involve the future generation regarding the risks nuclear weapons pose to the entire planet. With the mission and passion to educate the youth about disarmament and non-proliferation, Teens4Disarmament was born. Teens4Disarmament will change the world, one step at a time.