The Vow from Hiroshima Screening
On February 10, 2023, Teens4Disarmament attended the live screening of the documentary film “The Vow from Hiroshima.” Leaving an hour before school ended, we drove from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara to watch this movie. Given the wonderful opportunity from Shizuka-san, (Check out our article “Ms. Shizuka Kuramitsu” for more info!) we were introduced to “The Vow from Hiroshima.” We would also like to thank the “The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation”, a non-profit organization, that provided a platform for people to watch the movie at Santa Barbara Community College. Ivana Nikolic Hughes, the president of (NAPF), attended the screening and educated us about the film. “The Vow from Hiroshima” illustrates the story of a strong and confident woman named Setsuko Thurlow. When she was only 13, Setsuko Thurlow experienced the horrific atomic bombing in Hiroshima, Japan. With the never-ending desire to abolish nuclear weapons, “The Vow of Hiroshima” poignantly portrayed Ms. Thurlow’s decades of activism. The movie begins with the dreadful experience of Mrs. Thurlow in Hiroshima. Thurlow describes her friends as “ghosts”; unrecognizable humans. She further adds, “People were walking with eyeballs in their hands.” Despite her painful and awful experience, Setsuko Thurlow acknowledges the importance of honesty and exposure to the horrible effects of the atomic bomb. She asserted, “Anger is key, action is necessary.” Through her passion for disarmament, she believed change would be inevitable. Over the years Setsuko created an international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons “ICAN” to further advocate for disarmament and spread awareness of the disastrous effects nuclear weapons cause. Setsuko Thurlow’s story really inspired and empowered Teens4Disarmament. She was and continues to be so resilient in hopes of a nuclear-free world. We also recognized that many other people are protesting and striving for disarmament and non-proliferation. With the hope Setsuko Thurlow has given us, Teens4Disarmament will continue to work towards spreading the message of nuclear disarmament to our communities and the world.
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